NJ21st (formerly Berkeley Heights Community Watch) is an independent, non-profit platform committed to increasing transparency and accountability within local government, focusing on the 21st District in New Jersey. The initiative began as a response to perceived secrecy and misinformation in local government decisions, particularly around education and budgeting, and has expanded to cover a broader range of issues affecting various communities in the district.
NJ21st’s mission is to provide residents with a factual, citizen-driven perspective on local governance, advocate for evidence-based decision-making, and offer a forum for public discourse that is free from corporate and political influence.

Our Commitment to Ethical Journalism

Send your article to team@nj21st.com as a Word Document or PDF. Include your nametown, and phone number (only your name will be published).

We do not allow anonymous posts unless you’re at risk of retaliation from a government or non-profit employer. Verified sources can submit facts for us to publish confidentially.

Articles must follow our terms, be substantive, and fit our site’s tone (candidate endorsements get more flexibility). Check our articles for reference.

For shorter posts, join our Facebook Group.