The quest for a response to emails continues…..

Over the last few weeks (and for the BOE, months) I have had my emails and requests for answers to questions not only go unanswered but completely ignored. 

This behavior is rude but also unacceptable, for elected officials and top school administrators to ignore parents. The administration holds its staff to a standard in replying to parents so why aren’t they held to the same? 

I am not asking for social security numbers I am asking for data to support some of the (ridiculous) answers I have received or comments that have been made publicly regarding our schools and our children. 

My goal in life is not pursuing ethics violations against the District or Board, as Pamela Stanley remarked during her soap-box-esq prepared speech last meeting.  In fact, that statement is just ludicrous.  The only people currently holding our Administration and Board accountable is the public.  Accountability comes with the job of holding public office or being an Administrator, for those who can’t take the heat – public service is definitely not for you. 

Some of my unanswered questions and comments are:

1. What is the qualitative process to measure the success and interest of DEI?;

2. Regarding current COVID quarantine and projected learning loss this year as a result to forcing perfectly healthy, but COVID positive, students to not attend school: I was told by Dr. Varley offering instruction to these children isn’t “equitable.” She also stated the feedback from 6-12 graders was that live-streaming didn’t work.  While I asked for data, which I know doesn’t exist (are we really relying on 6-12 graders to determine how students will learn?) I further replied “providing a solution for children who are not given the option to attend school in person because of a test result has nothing to do with equity, it’s about ensuring each and every student is supported and provided with an opportunity to thrive.”  I went on to state “I would hope you and the admin team, along with the BOE would be in constant communication about ensuring we are doing the best to educate our children.  It’s not going to be perfect by anything would be better than nothing.”

3. Our Superintendent’s last update included the districts social media accounts.  Missing was Dr. Varley’s “Board approved” personal account, supporting this is not an official social media page of the district. I asked the Board: “who oversees the content and account activity on Board approved administrator accounts?” And, “how should violations, like posting pictures of children without seeking consent, be reported and to whom?”

4.  I emailed Julie Kot “the Board did not have a quorum at the adjournment of the meeting on 9/22/22 (only 4 members remained). There was a motion to adjourn but the board did not have a quorum to properly close the meeting.”

5. Regarding zoom, I asked the Board: “when was the decision to use Zoom for livestream Board meetings made?” And “Who was part of the decision to not conduct hybrid meetings via Zoom?” This decision essentially negates the work the committee (which included Angela Penna and Joy Young) did in the fall of 2021. 

6. I also asked “what is the reasonable expected response time for a Board member, mainly the presiding officer, who is the only authorized person able to speak on behalf of the Board, to respond and provide answers to emails from stakeholders?”

The silence from Mr. D’Aquila, and the Board (with the exception of Dr. Foregger and Mrs. Akiri), Dr. Varley and Ms. Kot is real – and I’m not the only parent being ignored. 

Email Exchange on Learning Loss

Laura Kapuscinski

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