John Leo Jr. responds to Mayoral Candidate Jeff Varnerin’s most recent response to TapInto

If you vote for Jeff Varnerin or Manuel Couto because of the lasting municipal complex issues or the stormwater/drainage issues or even any other issue in town, you’re likely falling for a campaign lie.

Mayoral candidate Jeff Varnerin, in his latest TapInto dribble, is currently trying to blame Mayor Devanney for the problems Varnerin’s very own Republican Party, quite literally, created for our town.

Running mate Manny Couto has been in the council since 2016 when municipal complex plans began to really spool up. The republicans had voted unanimously on nearly every aspect involved with it – including contractor choice and the agreement for which the building was erected. Aside from the apparent incompetence of the builder hired by the Republican council, the contract allowed for little contingency and was lacking for township remedies.

Tom Foregger and I ran in 2016 because we knew we’d be in this position today.  I did believe that the old building was beyond repair. But I was highly critical of the scale and process of this project. Forgetting the lack of due diligence for a moment, it has become painfully obvious the builder was negligent and the contract was subpar.  It is miraculous how Mayor Devanney and her administration kept moving forward during a pandemic that turned out to be lucrative for contractors to seek new projects.  Yet, her team got the building completed, inspected and occupied but now still deal with leaks and other issues. 

Blaming the current administration for his party’s failures is extremely disingenuous of Mr. Varnerin. Being critical of today’s ongoing cleanup means he must be unaware or forgetting that it was his party, Republicans vying for control again, including Manny Couto who pushed for this muni complex project – ignoring other township infrastructure in the interim – and signed off on the contractor, the terms and materials for which Mayor Devanney, administration and residents alike are now contending with. 

Had we spent even a portion of this municipal building project money on a drainage/stormwater rebuild ten years ago, we would already likely be in a full swing repair on the West Side Drainage Project. 

But resident complaints were likely ignored. Hints that a hidden, failing system was lurking below were not addressed.

Not until Mayor Devanney and her administration started responding.  And acting. And are now pursuing the funding to do the right thing.

I wouldn’t dig in if I didn’t believe this.  I’ve come to be aware of who will fight sincerely for our town and who will simply try to appease.  If you can dig up the facts you can start to tell as well.  Please.  Don’t take my word for it.  Look at the amount of transparency now as compared to before.  Look at the significant amount of township-wide improvements happening as opposed to the stagnation we had before. Look at the amount of federal and state funds we are receiving for major infrastructure projects never even sought before. 

Blaming today’s administration for the existing township problems is an outright lie.  It’s not even an opinion. It’s like blaming the national debt on the next generation.  It’s insane.

Please email with comments or questions.

– John Leo Jr.

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