I am more than proud to support Dipti as she will bring civility, data-driven decision making and transparency to the Board.
Dipti has been a vocal advocate for the needs of our children, our educators and their families over the last few years. Dipti understands that it is prudent to have quantifiable metrics to fully understand the successes of our students and how to best support each and every child.
Dipti has a complete understanding, through her fact-finding inquiries and research, of all the needs of our schools.
Dipti acknowledges the role of a Board member is to hold the Administration accountable for their decisions, suggestions and comments. She also understands how to express differing opinions without seeking to diminish the reputation of her fellow Board members and her community members.
Dipti will work to ensure the programs we have and ones that are being implemented are aligned with Department of Education’s educational adequacy standards.
Dipti will work towards parental, stakeholder and community involvement and engagement. She understands that District decisions can not and should not happen behind closed doors.
Dipti will promote the need for better communication and transparency.
Dipti will advocate for the district to focus on the failing infrastructure of our schools.
Dipti understands that the influx of children to Berkeley Heights, specifically to our schools, is imminent and will work on ensuring our district, schools and educators are supported and prepared.
Dipti will work on getting the Districts finances in order and ensuring the budget process is fair, comprehensible and transparent.
Dipti will exhibit respect and collaborate to seek the best possible solutions by engaging with stakeholders knowing her role as a Board member is oversight; to ensure the District is being run properly.
Dipti will not settle for sub-par solutions to long-term problems.
Dipti will listen, as she has, to ALL community members to ensure engagement and collaboration happens for all decisions affecting the families and residents of Berkeley Heights.
I encourage you to vote for Dipti Khanna, Column 1!