Dipti Khanna- Time to MOVE FORWARD!

We moved here 6 years ago and made a choice to call Berkeley Heights our home. Our decision was rooted and focused primarily for the schools and secondly for the town and location. As a mother of 2 children in the district who both started in PreK I believe Dipti Khanna is the Board of Education candidate that will bring about needed changes that will focus on academics and student achievement. I trust and believe she offers the knowledge, and the ability to create the needed change to move our district forward.
Dipti has made it clear she plans to help the school system create a nurturing environment to assist our children, all children. Having had multiple conversations with her, I have come to a solid understanding that her primary focus is our students, after all she is a mother of 3 at varying levels and is or has gone through everything which you and I are or have gone through. She gets it and has a keen understanding of what is lacking and what is needed.
Dipti represents the change for us to move on and move forward from the current board. A change my family and I feel is needed and something we strongly welcome. Dipti is grounded and guided by strong principles; I am confident her caring nature makes her an ideal candidate for the job.
Beyond her amazing personality Dipti bring a wealth of knowledge from her professional background as an engineer and a professional problem solver. Dipti will work collaboratively with the administration and fellow board members, grounded in respect.
I am confident that we will see the following from Dipti:
- She will listen to parents, the public and to constituents of our town.
- Dipti is a servant leader.
- She won’t shy away from difficult or tough questions and will hold the administration accountable.
- She’s a learner, will take the time to learn and understand prior to making judgments or decisions.
- Strong communication and transparency will follow everything that she does.
- Deliver trust, I firmly believe she has the ability to bring trust back between the community and the board to move us forward.
- Everything she will do will be for our children, she’s just that type of person who truly wants the best for our children.
- Dipti will help guide our district forward by doing it correctly, ethically, and morally.
On November 8th, I’ll be casting my vote for Dipti Khanna for BOE. – Column 1!
I urge all residents to do the same.
Let’s move our district FORWARD with a strong mind, amazing person, and a wonderful individual who is committed on A focus on Academics and Accountability.
Ekin Najarian