GO Out And VOTE!!!

First and foremost, this post is to encourage you to go out and VOTE. It is your privilege and right to have a say in local government.
Although I have been opinionated and adamant in those I am supporting, I respect your decision to vote for the candidates you believe will best fulfill his/her role.
So who’s on tap?
MAYOR (1 seat available)
Angie VS Jeff
There is no doubt both candidates love this town and genuinely have the best interest of all residents in their best interest. However, after fact-checking Jeff’s statements and mailers, I found his claims lacking credible evidence. Instead of running on his own merits, he has spent a great deal of time attacking Angie for what she could have and should have done. Angie has proven, time and time again, she is the best fit to serve BH as Mayor. She has a long list of accomplishments, but most of all, she has gained the trust and respect of this community.
My vote is for Angie!
TOWN COUNCIL (2 seats available)
Manny & Michelle VS Susan & Dio
I will be honest; I’m still unsure which way to go here. I’m drawn to getting some new blood on the Council. While I do not know Michelle personally, we have mutual friends and I trust in those endorsements and strong words of support. I have only met Manny a handful of times, and his candor and personality are probably his top qualities. He lost my support when he attacked our township administrator and employees in a candidate statement a few weeks ago.
I have met Dio a few times, but I can’t say I know him much. I’m interested in what he will bring to Council, though. I have gotten to know Susan over the years, and while I disagree with her on several issues, I admire that she has always spoken her mind and is true to herself.
So, my two votes for Council will be a true game-day decision…for now, I’m undecided but leaning toward two candidates. Any items from Bakehouse by Joe Murphy can easily persuade me.
Board Of Education (3 seats available)
Dipti VS Angela VS Doug VS Ayana VS Gail VS Neil VS Natasha VS Sai
My 3 picks will be no surprise as I have endorsed the three people I think we need on the Board right now.
I have come to know Dipti quite well over the last 2 years. She is easy to talk to and a well rounded individual. She is a wealth of knowledge and is a forward thinking, dedicated and rational Mom. She is honest and compassionate and her will to be on the Board is because she wants the best not only for her children, but for all the children and families in Berkeley Heights. She has made it clear that she is familiar with the issues facing our schools and the academic and social-emotional concerns families have pressented.
My feelings on Angela have been previously expressed so I will not beat a dead horse, but I will say that she was elected 3 years ago for a reason – she is a master of her social game and she entered into her role with the best intentions. I found it unsettling to hear from Angela (after she had my Letter removed) that she only replies to parent emails she finds “serious” – I also find the 11th hour communications, attempting to prove she’s doing her job, to be disingenuous. My hope for Angela is that she remembers her roots and we see her as she was in her former glory. I wasn’t surprised but would have enjoyed Angela taking the time to answer questions asked by BHCW over the last few weeks.
Doug is a genuinely cool human being. I have enjoyed our conversations over the years, and I think he’s a fine candidate for BOE. I think he would bring a dynamic and unique perspective to the Board, and he respectfully speaks his mind and stands his ground. I know we share similar ideas about how the Board should function and work with stakeholders and the issues facing our schools and our children.
I don’t know Ayana, but I have heard her debate and read her statements. As far as I’m concerned, it’s a true testament of character for any mother of 4 that puts in the time and energy to run for the Board. I find her fundamental goals, priorities and reasons running for a seat on the Board to misaligned to my beliefs and aspirations for a Board member. I found some statements, in particular those making claims that people need to “move on” from FDK and the pandemic to further continue the marginalization of families who were deeply effected without taking the time to engage and understand. Like Angela, I would have enjoyed getting to better understand Ayana and hoped she would have participated in BHCW’s candidate questions.
Gail has been a front-runner in her ability to address the issues and has made it quite clear, relevant to her experience as an educator, that she knows what changes need to be made – and has a pretty solid grasp on what those changes should be. She brings a unique perspective to the table and I have enjoyed getting to know her through her statements. I have found Gail to be confident and honest and I believe she would be beneficial to repairing the district’s relationship with the teachers and be instrumental in properly communicating with stakeholders.
I don’t know Neil but have watched him debate and have read all of his statements. I appreciate his honesty and take on many issues regarding the district’s communication, specifically how the administration behaves at public meetings. I believe his aspirations to repair the Board and it’s relationship with stakeholders. I think Neil would bring a wealth of compassion and understanding, and would follow through on his promise to listen – to everyone.
Natasha has really shown her true colors over the last few months, and I am pleased with her demeanor, preparedness and willingness to engage in conversation with residents, teachers and Administrators. She has made her reason for running quite clear – she wants to do better for our students and our teachers and I believe she can and will. We have spoken multiple times and share many common ideas and goals for BHPS. Her approach to issues is always rooted in data and preseted with respect.
The first time I met Sai it was because I had called her to thank her for standing up for me at a Board meeting where my questions were unanswered. If there’s one resounding quality of Sai, it is that she stands up for what’s right 100% of the time unafraid of what the reaction from others will be. Sai is honest and true and has made great progress in her quest for transparency and communication and has personally been a frontrunner as far as community engagement is concerned. She is the only Board member who has taken the time to respond to every single email I have sent to the Board. Many are critical of her style, but she has earned my utmost respect as a Board member and human being.
I will be supporting Dipti, Natasha and Sai. These candidates have contacted me on several occasions to discuss important issues. If you know me, then you know I don’t take well to being ignored – especially when it concerns my kids. These three women are prepared, they are ready to advocate and they will ensure changes are made. Unfortunately, Natasha and Sai got royally screwed on ballot positions – please be aware column 7 has two candidates and you can (and should) vote for them both. And, you can’t miss Dipti – column 1!