November 8th is an Opportunity for Real Change

Berkeley Heights BOE

Every election introduces the possibility of change.

I am a change manger and I manage programs and projects that include both technology change and people / process change. I understand first-hand how change can be difficult for many and why people resist change. It’s unsettling and uncomfortable and the outcomes are uncertain. But change is necessary not just for the sake of doing something different. Change is necessary to grow, evolve, and improve.

The reason that I chose to run for the Board of Education was to impart positive change and help fix what’s broken. I can’t imagine anyone who has been paying attention to the BOE meetings believes things are fine. In my personal experience with the BOE and the Administration, I’ve seen decisions made without any analysis and programs implemented with a big bang approach resulting in confusion and angst for parents and students. I’ve seen a budget approved without proper due diligence and without any public input. I’ve seen lack of accountability as the same board majority consistently votes in support of the Administration. Finally, the lack of civility exhibited by certain members toward other members and by the Administration toward parents needs to be addressed. All of this “noise” takes focus away from what’s most important – our kids’ education.

To change and improve the current state, we need a more balanced Board. We need more debate and discussion. I’ve never seen any question asked by a BOE member during the meeting impact the vote other than one recent challenge to the wording of a policy. We need to go back to the way the budget process used to be so that members have ample time to review the budget and the public can provide input. We also need to make it habit to be civil to each other and listen with an open mind. One of my first posts on social media as a candidate was the following quote, “Remember, repeating an action makes a habit. Your habits create your character.” Members can make it a habit to be respectful and empathetic in their interactions and thereby, change the character of the BOE.

In this election, there is tremendous potential for real change. As each voter can select three candidates, there is a real opportunity to bring balance to the Board. I am vying to be part of that change and I humbly ask you to put your trust in me and Vote 7-1!

Thank you,


Natasha Joly

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