Simply the Best

Natasha Joly, Sai Bhargavi Akiri and Dipti Khanna for BOE
Natasha, Sai, and Dipti are the best candidates the Board of Education can get. I have publicly demonstrated my support as my lawn is covered with their signs. And, if you do some independent research, like one of my friend did, you will also come to that conclusion.
I am proud to support Sai from the beginning. As she got on the board, I knew she would not stay silent and vote “yes to all” without questioning the basis for budget increases, policy changes, and many more things the board deals with. She kept her promises. She did all of the above and more at the cost of being the black sheep of the other BOE members and administration. I am amazed by her resilience and determination during her first mandate. Despite the very obvious resistance, anger, and disdain she gets from the other board members (“the angry five”), she keeps reviewing the board material with a critical eye. I know her goal is not to “annoy” people but to ensure that the tax dollars we all pay for this district are used the right way and the best decisions are taken for our children.
Natasha and Dipti will be phenomenal additions. They both have the poise and analytical minds required to be BOE members.
I worked alongside Natasha when the SI decided to remove the French option from the curriculum. She is not afraid of voicing her opinion. She does that powerfully and positively, backing it with data. She researches the topic she needs help understanding and collects evidence to formulate her opinion. I prefer this method to the ridiculous “yes to all” we have seen.
Dipti has been vocal on several issues in the past and lately on the Build Thinking Classroom model. Like Natasha and Sai, she does her research, gets the facts, and then respectfully yet strongly delivers her message along with questions. She will bring the respect and professionalism these current board of education members are lacking.
I urge the Berkeley Heights voters to vote for the best candidates the board of education DESERVES: NATASHA JOLY, SAI BHARGAVI, and DIPTI KHANNA. They are simply the best!
Virginie Delwart