Advertise on BHCW By Donating to a Local Non-Profit

Local Business

No Strings Attached

Any Berkeley Heights NJ, New Providence NJ or Mountainside NJ business that donates a total of $150 to one or more of the charities listed below by April 20th, 2023 will receive:

-Advertising on our directory of businesses from May 1st, 2023 -April 30 2024. This directory will reside on our Website and have a Facebook ad running for 30 days. This listing will include business logos, brief description and a link to their Website (to be supplied by the business).

-Each business will receive an individual Facebook post on our public and private pages and our Twitter and Instagram pages between May 1st, 2023 -April 30 2024.

-A link to the business directory at the bottom of our e-newsletter (currently at ~ 300 emails), which is also published on the mediums listed above and Substack from May 1st, 2023 -April 30 2024

-A donation of $200 will be entered into a drawing for an episode of Night Watch at their location about their business between May 1st, 2023 -April 30 2024

Our Website (not including other outlets like Facebook) gets about 7500 views and 2500 unique visitors a month. Most are local residents who are likely looking for your service or product.

A Non-Profit showing up on this should NOT be taken to mean that they endorse any of the content on this BHCW.  So please don’t give them any shit.

ELIGIBLE Charities include

(1) Any of the Berkeley Heights Parent Teacher Organizations:

Governor Livingston PTO

Columbia Middle School PTO

Mountain Park PTO

Thomas P. Hughes PTO

Woodruff PTO

Mary Kay McMillin PTO (we cant find the link but will update once we get it)


The American Cancer Society (Type in: Berkeley Heights Relay for Life)

You can, if you choose, meet the advertising minimums by breaking up the total donation amount across all the organizations…or you can give it all to one organization.

We have no idea if this is going to draw anyone so yours might be the only business that ends up being advertised – lol.

Once you donate, submit the receipt along with your logo and a brief (like three lines brief) to by April 20th, 2023.

If you don’t have a business consider donating anyway – I mean, we are busting our asses to give you important free information, so consider your donation a subscription fee.

NJ 21st Team

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