Renewals and Big Salaries for the Usual Crew Top the List

Dr. Greer, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Achievement, is having his contract renewed at an annual salary of $164,800.

Ms. Kot, Business Administrator and Board Secretary – and advocate against OPRA, is having her contract renewed at an annual salary of $177,366.

Administrators salaries are being approved.  Base salary for Steve Hopkins is $173,107, which is higher than the majority of his colleagues who are also Directors and Principals. As a matter of fact, of the 12 Administrators listed (some are missing) Mr. Hopkins is the 2nd highest paid Administrator in our schools. 

10 retirees are being honored at Monday’s meeting.  Of note are the rumors that Mrs. Kopacz’s retirement is not truly a retirement but a resignation.  Several credible sources have verified that she will be seeking employment in the fall. 

A. Approve Annual Appointment: Steve Hopkins as Custodian of Records Designee at a $12,000 stipend, bringing his annual salary to $185,107 making him the second highest paid employee of BHPS only second to Melissa Varley.  Perhaps others who seek stipends on top of hefty salaries should consider joining the same gym that Melissa and Steve reportedly both belong to – it pays to have friends in high places. 

EDUCATION Resolution N. Approve Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Curriculum.  This resolution is the result of a lengthy revision of the reading curriculum.  Some of you may recall the obscenely ridiculous elementary word study survey – you may also now be aware that those results were never published. 

Knowing this work was under the supervision of Mary Beth Kopacz I hope that this decision was not made in haste or rash as she is leaving at the end of this month.  I have not heard anything about this program and therefore can not comment on it. 

PERSONNEL Resolution A. Approve Appointment of Director of STEAM/STEM Position appointment to Dennis Dagounis at a salary of $125,000.

PERSONNEL Resolution H. Approve Appointment of Thomas Clayton as STEAM, Enrichment, and Gifted & Talented Teacher at an annual salary of $79,500.  Unsure if this appointment means Mr. Clayton is leaving his role as an educator at CMS, but this seems to be a full-time position.  

PERSONNEL Resolution W. Approve re-appointment of School District Liaison to the Library Board at $1,000 annual stipend.  No one seems to understand why the school district needs someone to be on the library board or what greater good it serves our students. 

PERSONNEL Resolution DD. Rescind Appointment of Payroll Specialist Position.  Please note that this position is not being abolished, but merely still a vacant position needing (in the eyes of the Scheme Team) to be filled.

Laura Kapuscinski

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