Mayor Devanney Writes to Senator Scutari | Defends Key Aspects of OPRA

A significant and welcome update on our efforts in asking state representatives to pause any effort for OPRA reform to the next legislative session.

BHCW was copied on an email from Mayor Devanney to Senator Scutari.  This email addressed three of our primary concerns with the reforms that have been proposed:

First, moving disputes over cases away from the Superior Court to the GRC will exacerbate an already burdened agency with what seems to be a backlog. Additionally, while I understand what is being attempted by penalizing high volume requestors, I believe the definition of a high-volume requester needs better criteria for the public’s understanding. Moreover, the removal of fee shifting could have an adverse impact on middle class or working-class families from trying to appeal an OPRA decision because they are unable to afford an attorney. As you are aware, most lawyers will not work on contingency in cases such as these.

Berkeley Heights joins other local government entities, like Hoboken, in urging State representatives to protect critical elements of OPRA in their efforts to improve the law.

You can read the full text of the email here.

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