BHCW 01/07/2024 Newsletter


What’s Important to Know About Berkley Heights This Week….

This week’s newsletter walks residents – step by step- through how the BHPSNJ Administration and Penna Bloc conspired to create one of the most chaotic reorganization meetings this District has ever experienced.

From policies put in place last year during the lame-duck session to an incomplete and potentially illegal meeting agenda through the meeting where the “you only care about schools if you vote for Angela” crowd fumbled through a tone-deaf defense of Ms. Penna remaining in power.

It also included such gems as the business administrator violating board policy and Robert’s Rules by single-handedly deciding a motion as non-emergent and robbing an elected board member of a vote as the Board Attorney whispered sweet nothings into the Administration and Penna blocs ears while they were protecting his firm.

The Town Council re-org, while not as eventful, had its drama as Town Council Member Paul Donnelly and Mayor Angie Devanney clashed over the re-appointment of a municipal judge, which was followed by an email from Mr. Donnelly to the Mayor.

The newsletter also includes the top ten articles for 2023 and, as usual, our  weekly state update and notes for the week.


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