Annual Email to Elected Representatives and Administrators of Berkeley Heights NJ-2024

Berkeley Heights Town GovernmentNote From Admins

Good Morning,

We invite elected officials and administrators to use our platforms to connect with constituents each year.

In our current “anniversary year,” we have had contributions in print or video from over 30 residents, elected representatives, educators, and subject matter experts. We’ve touched on issues connected to the school district (budget, transportation, proficiencies, ethics, etc.) and the township (flooding, affordable housing, ordinances, SIGNS etc.)

Regardless of your position, you are welcome to contribute. Your contribution will be given the same courtesy and exposure as any other.

Three of our ground rules, which have been in place since the beginning, are:

(1) Non-elected representatives or mid-low level government employees are off the table as far as the public conversation is concerned as a means of changing our community’s reputation of harassing residents and parents instead of holding those in office accountable.

(2) That the article is of substance and has a connection to evidence. 

(3) Content about an elected representative needs to directly connect to their business in office – we do not allow articles on personal matters unless there is a clear and evidenced connection to conflict of interest that involves the use of public funds.

Good luck to all of you this year.

Original Email


NJ 21st Team

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