Dipti Khanna for Berkeley Heights BOE President

The following is an email received from Steve Mondragon, Berkeley Heights Resident and Parent, to the County Superintendent Daryl Palmieri in Support of Ms. Khanna for BOE President.
Mr. Palmieri’s email address is daryl.palmieri@doe.nj.gov
“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”
-Socrates If there has ever been a time for change within an organization, the time is now within Berkeley Heights BOE. I firmly believe Mrs. Dipti Khanna should be appointed to the position of President of the Berkeley Heights Board of Education. She has demonstrated dedication to the growth and positive outcomes for the students of Berkeley Heights, and has shown the leadership the BOE so desperately currently needs. The faith and trust the community had in the BOE has been shaken, and a need for change is upon us. More of the same dysfunction only serves as a disruption for the consummate professionals within the district, which has been demonstrated by the exodus of talent and experience. The student body ultimately pays the price for the questionable actions and decisions the prior board has enacted. Leadership can be difficult to define, but very easy to recognize when you see it. I strongly endorse Mrs. Dipti Khanna for the position of President of the Berkeley Heights Board of Education. Her leadership is exactly what the BOE needs to right the ship and return Berkeley Heights and it’s educational standards to the position of prominence we once proudly had before.Steve Mondragon Berkeley Heights Resident