BHCW 03/10/2024 Newsletter – Save OPRA
What’s Important to Know About Berkeley Heights This Week….
This week’s newsletter begins with vital information for Berkeley Heights Residents. We cover renewed efforts on the state level to destroy OPRA, the rally to defend our current law, and ways that YOU can help in the effort. Time is of the essence as both bills are being heard TOMORROW – Monday – 03/11/2024.
Shauna thoroughly analyzed the Transportation Presentation during the last BOE Meeting; a community member shared his thoughts on the Tree Ordinance (where we also discovered that the Municipal Government may be taking on BHPSNJ’s bad habits). We also received an email from a parent concerning a post from Dr. Varley that really shouldn’t have surprised anyone.
As always, we end with our notes for the week, providing further coverage on the upcoming assault on OPRA.