Monday’s Board Agenda, what’s important:

First up are Board Goals.  The agenda setup does not convey that there will be a discussion or vote on these as the roll call for the meeting occurs below the listed Goals.

The tentative Budget will be introduced on Monday night. Presentations have yet to be posted for public review. However, there is a “highlight” sheet embedded in the agenda (page 11 of 18). Total expenditures/appropriations for the 2024-25 school year are $61,585,566. This number is approximately 1.3 million dollars LESS than the 2023-24 budget ($62,901,053).

Several of our sister districts employ a budget calendar that is available to the public for transparency. Similarly, several neighboring districts employ a longer and more inclusive budget process.

New Providence: 

2/20 Tentative Budget was provided to the BOE

2/22 Tentative Budget was presented to the public at the BOE meeting

2/27 Hold date, if needed, for public Budget discussion

3/14 BOE approves the tentative Budget


1/23 Budget Overview I is presented at the public meeting

2/20 Budget Overview I & II presented at the public meeting

3/5 Budget Overview I, II & III presented at public meeting


2/26 Public budget discussion at Board Meeting

3/11 Preliminary Budget is presented to the public and Board

Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-8.2, once a district submits the budget application to the Executive County Superintendent for approval, or by the statutory due date if that date is earlier, the district must make available for public inspection all Budget and supporting documentation contained in the budget application and all other documents listed in N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-8.1

The budget process per the NJ DOE is as follows:

On or before 3/20/24 the adoption and filing of the tentative Budget is due to the Executive County Superintendent.

On or before April 19, the advertised version of the Budget needs to be finalized and submitted to the Board of Schoo Estimate.

April 19 is also the last day for the County Superintendent to approve the advertised budget statement.

April 24 is the earliest date to hold a public hearing on the Budget. A public hearing MAY NOT he held until the executive county superintendent of schools has approved the Budget.

May 7 is the latest possible date for a public hearing on the Budget.

The user-friendly Budget must be posted to the district website between 4/26/24-5/9/24.

The deadline to adopt the Budget is May 14, 2024 and this final adoption must occur AFTER a public hearing has occurred.

(For reference:

In other words, if it is determined that an additional budget meeting is needed or requested, there is plenty of time for this to happen before May 14!

Moving on…

Legal spending for February came in at $8088, with the costs being almost evenly split between Chaudry and Clearly firms.

Policy 8600 is being introduced for study and first reading regarding student transportation. This policy identifies streets deemed “hazardous” (following a transportation study).  BHCW inquired about the much-publicized rubric the consultants use when identifying hazards but was told no such document exists.  No identifying characteristics are outlined in the determination of the roadways identified as being “hazardous.”

Sarah Latzke, Executive Assistant to Dr. Varley and HR Specialist, has resigned, effective 4/8/24. Katrina Conley-Ross has filled the Position at an annual salary of $78,000, which will be voted on during the Board meeting.

John Crane, GL English teacher, has retired, effective 7/1/24.

In New Business, the following items have been identified;

• Increased legal spending

• Annual professional appointments expiration in December of 2023

• Attorney RFP

• A motion to designate two meeting dates to interview search firms for the Superintendent search.

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