Laura’s Notes on the 04/10/2024 Berkeley Heights BOE Meeting Agenda

BOE Agendas and Meeting Summaries

The April 10 Board meeting will begin at 6:45PM.

The purpose of this meeting is solely to interview 3 Superintendent search firms (in addition to NJSBA which was interviewed earlier this year).

The search firms are: McPherson & Jacobson, Kathleen Helewa Educational Consultants and 4M Consulting.

The interviews are slated to be conducted from 7-8:30PM allowing for 30 minutes for each firm.

Following the public interview, the meeting will commence into citizens hearing on any items.

Then, the Board will move into executive session whereupon they will discuss the firms and hire one to take on the hiring of a new Superintendent for BHPS.

There will be no resolutions or agenda items nor will there be any new business at this meeting.

On the search firms…

McPherson & Jacobson is based in Omaha, Nebraska and has offices across the USA in about 30 states. Locally, there are 6 representatives in the state of New Jersey, with one rep, Dr. Candis Finan, in Summit. There are no searchable district in NJ which used this firm for fulfillment of their Superintendent role. The firm does not currently have any clients in NJ searching for a superintendent. The full list can be found here:

Kathleen Helewa appears to be a one-woman show with a 908 area code. The website seems to only do consulting for NJ schools. The consulting firm currently is assisting two NJ district on their Superintendent search. Kathleen is a former employee of the NJSBA and has been consulting since 2023 and prior to her time with NJSBA served on the Warren School Board. Current schools Kathleen is consulting with can be found here:

4M Consulting is the big leagues and based out of Sparta, NJ. This firm is not solely dedicated to the public school sector, but rather a much larger consulting firm which provides services to corporate, education and non-profit clients and provides support in both crisis management and consulting. Here is a list of current and filled Superintendent searches in NJ. The only current listing is in Lopatcong, NJ.

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