4/10/24 Board Meeting Recap, Series On Superintendent Search Firms

Berkeley Heights BOE

The first in a Series on Superintendent Search Firms that Presented during the 04/10/2024 Berkeley Heights BOE Meeting

McPherson & Jacobsen

Fee for services are $18,500

BHPS team will be comprised of Dr. Ralph Ferrie (former BHPS middle school Principal) not present) and Dr. Karen D’Avino (who presented an overview on the firm).

Dr. D’Avino did tell the group that this was her first time presenting/interviewing and was unable to give answers to some questions commenting that she would need to check in with the home office.

Dr. D’Avino mentioned, a few times, she is also does periodic work as an interim superintendent and made a joke about being hired, but I’m unclear if this was a joke or she was interested in the position.  It was awkward nonetheless and unprofessional.

She mentioned she was happy to see some really exciting things happening in our district, but failed to mention anything specific.  And thanked the Board for all the hard work they do for BHPS.

The slideshow, on zoom, was nearly impossible to see. But this problem was a technical one, as all three presentations were not clear on Zoom.

This firm conducts the search in 5 phase;

Phase 1 Constructing the job posting by identifying characteristics
Phase 2 Stakeholder Voice by soliciting input from various groups
Phase 3 Review of applicants, reference checks and questions for interview
Phase 4  Interview Preparation – candidates will be provided to Board based upon criteria from phase 1
Phase 5 Hiring and transition of new Superintendent

With a guarantee that if the SI leaves within a 2 year period M&J will return, for free, to assist with the process, again.

Questions from BOE:

• Question from guarantee and what “complete service” entails. Included in the $18,500 fee

• Timeline questioned as to what the average process looks like.  Consultant felt that 3 months was adequate.

• Question about 1-day of stakeholder meetings and who are the stakeholders and how is this done in one day. Response is that the day is stacked with everyone who will be involved in the SI search. Commented that this is something that can be worked around but that home office would have to approve.

• Dr. Ferrie was a former Principal at CMS, but did not appear on his resume provided to the BOE, it was questioned why this would not be disclosed. The response was “it was lumped in with his 44 years of experience in education.”

• Background checks questioned and how far back they go and if ethics cases and settlements are included in this check?  Ethics charges and cases would come up in a search but not settlements.

• Question about contention about same candidate in two different districts. Consultant mentioned, a few times, that she takes interim superintendent work.

• Superintendent contracts questioned, specifically regarding timeframe.  Minimum contract is 3 years and maximum is 5 years.

Link to McPherson & Jacobson Website

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Laura Kapuscinski

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