BHPSNJ Announces Special Board Meeting for 04/15/2024

Interim Superintendents To Be Interviewed and Attorney RFP’s To Be Discussed on 4/15/2024
BHPSNJ announced a special BOE Meeting on 04/15/2024 to interview Interim Superintendents. We hope that candidates will also present to the public. Interim Superintendents are typically retired, so there should be no concern about their employers finding out about seeking a new position. One resident asked us about the absence of a job posting.
Attorney RFPs are finally going to be given formal room on the agenda. Four BOE members voted no on legal bills connected to questions on double billing and increased rates that deviated from the contract. BHCW recently discovered that the attorneys, after much back and forth, have corrected and resubmitted the billing.
This is the value of having multiple BOE members willing to roll up their sleeves and go through the bills with a fine-tooth comb. Earlier this year, Ms. Stanley criticized BOE members for this practice. We hope that she has since changed her mind and is considering helping her peers save the district money so that it can be put to better use in serving its students.