Follow Up on Teacher Concerns Regarding Summer Curriculum Writing Rates

I published an article before the 4/18/24 Board meeting regarding a sidebar agreement with the BHEA proposing a flat $50/hour rate for summer curriculum writing. (Sidebar Agreement Article)
Several teachers had contacted BHCW unhappy with this sidebar agreement noting that curriculum writing has always been paid a per diem rate – a rate based upon a simple equation based upon a teachers salary.
At the 4/18/24 Board meeting, one teacher spoke about the discrepancy based upon prior years, “veteran teachers are upset with the sidebar proposed: a flat hourly fee for [such] an important role as writing curriculum is lacking foresight. In 2022…curriculum writing was paid a an hourly waged based upon their place on their salary guide.”
A question was discussed among board members regarding this pay rate and what has been done in the past. It was unclear as there was no documentation readily available at the moment.
Dr. Giordano commented that an hourly flat rate “is how it has always been done, actually the elementary was getting $40…speaking to the central office about what was done previously, it was always an hourly rate.”
After searching through prior Board attachments and minutes I found the sidebar agreement for the 2022 curriculum writing. The hourly rate was per diem not a flat hourly rate.
2022 BHEA Sidebar Agreement
2024 BHEA Sidebar Agreement (that did not pass)