NJ21st 05/26/2024 Newsletter

What’s Important to Know About Our Local & State Government This Week….

We start our newsletter with a brief recap of the year and our reasons for continuing this year.

This week, we saw some incredible narratives spun in the community about the Superintendent Search and revisionist history on votes connected to Mr. Nixon’s appointment as Acting Superintendent. Our newsletter includes an article addressing this issue with what is on record – on video and in writing.

We move on to a fact-based summary of the 05/20/2024 BOE meeting, covering the agenda, the Superintendent Search, and the Social Media Policy, which one BOE Member, one of its leading proponents, regularly violates. Lastly, we fact-check the public comments made during the BOE Meeting.

We wind down with a brief overview of the Town Council Agenda, and John’s email to the Board and Superintendent about the BHPSNJ Budget.

As always, we wrap up with news from around the state and our weekly notes.

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