Laura’s Notes on the 07/24/2024 BOE Agenda

Personnel, CMS Lease Agreement, OPRA, Prism and More…

Things have been pretty quiet on the business side of BHPS.  No news is not always good news, and this agenda is pretty jam packed for a mid-July “Special Meeting.”

One of the most interesting, if not THE most interesting, agenda item is the resolution to appoint Michael Roof as GL Girls Varsity Soccer Coach. Back in June, the Board unanimously voted against this Coach being re-hired which resulted in a lot of chatter and speculation about the rationale behind the vote.

The second most interesting item is the absence of any mention in regard to the resignations of Ann Clifton, Director of Athletics and Kelly Sheehan, Director of Transportation.  Both positions, in addition to interim positions of these roles are open on Applitrack (the website for BHPS job postings).


A. Dr. Cordero will be starting on August 14 instead of his previously contracted date of August 21.

B. C. D. E. F. Multiple staff are being approved for hire including, but not limited to a full time athletic trainer, a part time nurse (for GL), sign language interpreter (for GL), paraprofessionals for MP, MKM and WW and a night lead custodian.

M. More in hires include two special education teachers (at WW and MP) in addition to a music teacher (for CMS).

The actual agenda is fairly light, but where you should be focused on paying attention is New Business.  There are only four items but they are rather significant.

The first item will cover the Prism Club in addition to the Board discussing the process for establishing clubs at BHPS.  While I don’t think clubs or activities should necessarily be blocked by a Board vote, especially when our students and/or staff have recognized a need. I do, however, strongly believe that processes need to be in place to ensure all students needs are being recognized in a fair and equitable way.

The second item will be an open discussion, the first one of its kind at a Board of Education meeting, surrounding the lower Columbia land lease agreement with the Township. 

The third item is, here we go again, OPRA’s!  It is unfortunate that after multiple, ridiculously expensive legal cases lost by the district that the Business Office is still engaging in unethical practices regarding the process of fulfilling, remitting and documenting OPRA requests.  In short, the multiple lost court cases against the district that relate to OPRA have all been very clear in that the district can not redact information to the degree that the document can not be discernible.  Furthermore, when any item IS redacted the OPRA custodian MUST provide a legitimate reason for the redaction.

The last item is OPMA – Open Public Meetings Act.  Board members will discuss process for how business is handled in-between Board meetings.

Although this meeting has been listed a “Special” it will include 2 citizens hearings for the public to present questions and comments to the Board.

Missing from this agenda is any update in relation to the Superintendent search.


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