NJ21st 08/20/2024 Newsletter

What’s Important to Know About Our Local & State Government This Week….
This week’s newsletter begins with a breakdown of the 08/15/2024 BOE Meeting, which includes a fact check of the lawsuit narrative, the “friends” narrative …too many to list.
More importantly, there are updates connected to proficiency, a plan on Math, and the controversial CMS Policy that allows staff to search student phones with little justification.
We move onto the Old BOE resurfacing under a new label using the same tactics in connection to the Superintendent search, intimidating and harassing neighbors in community spaces, and marketing multi-million dollar projects with little to no information. The latter may interest residents, given the recent flooding and unanswered questions concerning the CMS Turf Field ballot question.
We wind down with a selection of our notes from the week which includes essential information on changes to how school performance will be tracked.