NJ21st 09/26/2024 Newsletter

What’s Important to Know About Our Local & State Government This Week….
This week’s newsletter starts with responses from BOE candidates on transparency. Two Candidates running for two available three-year terms (Dr. Foregger and Matthew Behne) responded, as did Arik Samson, who is running for the available replacement seat left open when Angela Penna resigned.
The Township is next, and residents learned this week that the Westminster project is again on the radar while the Township moves forward with involving the NJDEP on Nokia.
We move on to asking important questions about the need for an Assistant Superintendent, our 30th episode of Night Watch, and more questionable practices by the Union County Clerk in connection to the 2024 Election.
Our Community Voices section provides important information on what may be the end of a centuries-old tradition in Berkeley Heights and an update on student efforts to bring back the CMS Tiger.
Our notes for the week provide insight into District communication on elections and thoughts on the Mt. Carmel controversy.