NJ21st 10/25/2024 Newsletter

What’s Important to Know About Our Local & State Government This Week….
This week’s newsletter begins with responses from Berkeley Heights BOE candidates Foregger, Behne, and Samson on our questions about academic achievement. We did not receive responses from candidates Debang, Moore, Terrero, Stanley, or Devanney.
Next, we kick off a series examining the significant changes over the past ten months due to the new BOE majority’s decisions on transparency, budgeting, academic achievement, and transportation.
We also feature an article from a local educator challenging the stance of candidates Debang, Moore, and Terrero on academic achievement and school rankings. The piece critically examines their reference to Special Needs Students rankings—an implication that doesn’t appear to hold up in areas like math and science.
Our questions for BOE and Town Council candidates follow, addressing the surge in special interest groups seeking influence over the BOE and the unprecedented involvement of Town Council Members, political clubs and private organizations whose former leadership is running in this year’s BOE election.
Finally, we wrap up with two articles covering the 10/17/2024 BOE meeting and our Image of the Week.