Everything we’ve reported on the influence of money and outside influences in our local elections is based on verified facts. Every detail we’ve shared is substantiated.

The funds we demonstrated pouring into TAPinto come directly from NJ Elect, and that total doesn’t even account for any additional contributions potentially coming from Republican-affiliated sources or municipal government entities influenced by political machines. What’s missing in the DMC spending reports is transparency on exactly which candidates or causes benefited from the $27,000 that went to TAPinto just this year alone from this one single source.**

A resident recently observed canvassers who were recognized as paid workers from last year’s local elections.

When you factor in past incidents—such as a Democratic campaign pulling a petition in 2018 due to resident concerns over canvassing tactics—it becomes entirely reasonable for residents to ask canvassers about their affiliations and whether they’re paid or volunteering.

The funding we reported flowing into the Devanney BOE campaign also comes directly from NJ Elect. This data shows clear links between his campaign and figures like Scutari, Bollwage, and Carter. The connections are not assumptions; they are visible in the NJ Elect records.

We reached out to every single Town Council and BOE campaign to allow them to explain any involvement with special interests.

Only three—Dr. Foregger, Matthew Behne, and Arik Samson—responded, each providing clear statements affirming no connections to special interests, a fact that can be partially verified on NJ Elect.

Individual contributors to NJ21st have also been 100% open and transparent about the candidates they are supporting as we have right to be. News outlets often endorse candidates as an editorial board.

We’ve taken the extra step of attaching our individual names to the endorsements and they are not uniform. Unlike DMC Committee Members who show up on BOE Endorsements without Disclosing their Affiliations.

Our critiques aren’t driven by allegiance to one party or another.

In the past, we called out the local Republican Party not out of loyalty to Democrats, but because we’re committed to the well-being of families in this town and our state. What happens here may have a long ranging impact on other communities.

You don’t own this platform, and your money has no influence here.


We stand behind every single post we’ve published. We’re far from perfect, but the flood of money distorting our local elections—particularly in races connected to our schools—is deeply troubling and almost impossible to track accurately.

So here is your chance to clear the air.

If any campaign wants to dispel any misunderstandings, we urge them to provide a full, transparent accounting of every dollar spent and received before the election on Tuesday—well ahead of the November deadlines. If our information is inaccurate, prove it.

Show the community exactly where the DMC and RMC funds come from. the same for candidates.

Also show us the IN-KIND Donations that don’t show up on the reports.

Show us how every cent has been received and spent so voters can make an informed choice.

That transparency would be far more effective than accusing us of fabricating stories.

** [11/3/2024 @1035pm] NJ Elec is now showing different totals for the amounts coming from the BH DMC and going into Tapinto.

Last night, the total was 27k, and tonight, it is showing as $1750.

We did some digging, and it looks like the total amount of political money going into Tapinto is the same, but now it’s coming from different names.

For example, check number 1004 on 08/26/24 in the amount of $8250 last night showed as coming from BH DMC to Tapinto. Now it shows as coming from Losardo and Zimmenan- same check number, same amount, still going into Tapinto but from a different political source.

We have no explanation for why this changed and we did not track down every change (some entries did not even have check numbers).

All the amounts connected to the Devanney BOE (contributions/expenditures) and Debang, Moore, and Terrero Campaigns remain the same. Screenshots of the Changes

Vendor Paid by Township Donates to Devanney Campaign

Vendor for Devanney Campaign Also Recipient of No-Bid Contract from Town for Professional Services

Total Amount of Campaign Dollars Going to TapInto 

Response to TapInto

Post on Campaign Spending

Post on Campaign Contributions

Post on Canvassers

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