Laura’s Notes on the 01/27/2025 BOE Meeting

Berkeley Heights BOEBOE Agendas and Meeting Summaries


F. Approve New Courses: CMS – Mathematics Grade 8 (attachment E).
This is being proposed by Dr. Curtiss to serve as a course to comply with the state standards in addition to provide students with a substantial foundation in geometry. This course, if approved, will be rolled out this fall.


B. Mr. Dirk Phillips will continue as Interim Assistant Superintendent through March 31, 2025 at $700/day.

F. Approve Retirement of Staff: Steve Hopkins, Director of Special Projects, Social Studies and World Language effective 3/1/2025 (Hopkins is currently on family medical leave and will not be returning to BHPS!!!). Mr. Hopkins formerly served as interim principal at CMS, ‘DEI Guru’ and National DEI Conference presenter and traveler with former Superintendent, Interim Records custodian and was rumored to have played a major role in #PizzaGate at GL in 2024.

S. Retirement of Staff: Kelly Murray, teacher from Thomas P. Hughes.

T. Resignation of Staff: Adam DiPaolo, Paraprofessional from MP.


B. Shared Services Addendum with BHPD for Class III Officers for 2023-28. (Attachment I)
The addendum for this shared service agreement includes a pay rate of $37.45 per hour through the pre-contracted date of August 31, 2028. Included in this agreement is paid sick leave wherein the Township of Berkeley Heights will shall pay for sick time and be reimbursed by the district. I do not have a problem for this being part of the contract, I think our SLEO officers do a fantastic job at our schools. The one comment I will add is that there should be some regulatory language in this contract (which is missing) that specifics what constitutes reasonable sick time, similar to the Districts regulations with paid versus unpaid sick or family leave time.

C. Approve Wilentz Attorneys for Bond Counsel for 2024-25. Copied directly from the contract available in Attachment J: various capital projects and other purposes and to provide for the terms and the
security of such bonds and notes in accordance with Title 18A, Education, of the New Jersey Statutes and other applicable laws or to provide for its capital projects and financings by some
alternative means.
I suppose one could speculate we are on the brink of a referendum or large capital improvement project?

D. Contract for Demographic Services (Attachment K, option 1, 2 & 4) for $17,600. This proposal is dated April 18, 2024 for a LCC out of Vermont. If you’re wondering why were are approving a proposal from last year, you are not alone. Option 1 includes a general demographic study to project enrollment. Option 2 would include enrollment projections by school. And Option 4 would encompass a detailed housing analysis. My initial questions with knowing nothing about this from last year or now would be: did we receive quotes from any other companies, when is the last time a demographic study was completed and is there a possibility we can find a cheaper service and focus some money on facility upgrades?

G. Approve payment of legal services for Cleary Giacobbe Alfred Jacobs in the amount of $4125. This appears to be a payment for prior litigation and one can presume this is tied to the Stanley vs. Akiri case, but this is merely speculation.

O. Approve grant application from NJ Department of Community Affairs for playground upgrades in the amount of $100,000 to complete playground upgrades. This is actually really exciting. Like the multitude of infrastructure problems facing our schools, the playgrounds (including blacktop areas) are also in dire need of upgrades. I’m not sure how far this will go, because I’ve researched playground equipment and it’s pricey.


POLICY discussion is the hot topic, specific numbers are 0175 (Contracts with Independent Consultants), 131 (does not exist on the BH BOE policy book), 0155 (Board Committees).

The Board will also discuss the new security system and the legality of scanning ID cards and obtaining personal information. Given the recent and massive data breech with PowerSchool, I believe a discussion is more than warranted.

Notably missing from this agenda or any subsequent communication is any news on the appointment of a Board President and Vice President. If the County Superintendent has not appointed any members to these positions, then the Board will have to vote on a member to run the meeting on Monday, or request AJ preside over the meeting.

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Laura Kapuscinski

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