NJ21st 01/31/2025 Newsletter

What’s Important to Know About Our Local & State Government This Week….
This week’s newsletter kicks off with a Town Council meeting that raced through 20 resolutions at lightning speed, swiftly dissolving an ethics committee—without a hint of dissent or discussion.
Next, we break down a packed Board of Education (BOE) meeting, where machine representative Gale Bradford once again bypassed Board policy to unilaterally impose a committee structure—without BOE input. We examine Ms. Bradford’s convoluted approach to urgent concerns raised by parents, students, and the BHEA on school facilities, as well as the flimsy justifications behind the municipal government’s decision to hand law enforcement officers a blank check—on the District’s dime.
In Community Voices, we feature a scathing critique of the town’s funding for a controversial police training program recently exposed by the State Comptroller. and highlights the striking silence of those who eagerly twisted and exploited the Prism Club issue last year. Additionally, we share a letter from a parent addressing the PowerSchool data breach, school facilities concerns, and the BOE president’s response—followed by reactions from BOE members.
We wrap up with the final installment of NJ21st’s contribution to the NJ Education Report on urban schools, key takeaways from the week, and our top three articles from December.