Update on Fire Prevention Bureau Petition

Berkeley Heights Town Council

The Following Email was Sent to Individuals That Signed the NJ21st Fire Prevention Bureau Petition


Hi Everyone,

This email is going to all who signed the petition and provided an email address.

I wanted to update you on our community’s effort to encourage the Mayor and Council to reconsider their decision to move the Fire Prevention Bureau from the Fire Department to the Building Department.

Petition Update

Since launching on Saturday, March 8th, the petition has gathered 177 signatures. Three signatures were removed due to a lack of verifiable information.

What We Are Hearing

Some have questioned the petition and the concerns it raises. Here are a couple of the most common arguments we’ve encountered:

1. “Why sign a petition without knowing the Mayor and Council’s reasoning?”

The Mayor and Council had an opportunity to provide their reasoning when this ordinance was introduced and voted on. Ideally, major decisions like this should come with a clear explanation at the time they are made, rather than requiring the public to seek out answers after the fact.

2. “The Fire Chief isn’t communicating well with the town, so this change is necessary.”

While communication can always be improved, shifting the Fire Prevention Bureau to another department is a significant decision that should be based on structural and operational needs, not personal dynamics. Additionally, this reasoning was not presented when the decision was made, making it difficult to evaluate its validity. If this was a contributing factor, it would be helpful for officials to provide more context.

Possible Reasons for the Change

Some community members have speculated on potential motivations behind this decision, including:

  • The township wanting the revenue associated with fire inspections.
  • Efforts to streamline inspections for new developments as more projects come online.
  • A belief that this change will improve efficiency, though it raises concerns about the potential impact on safety oversight.

Regardless of the reasoning, it’s important that any major changes affecting public safety are made with transparency and input from residents.

Why NJ21st Got Involved

NJ21st typically reserves petitions for issues that we believe have a direct and immediate impact on the public.

We have noticed a growing trend of significant policy changes being made quickly, with limited explanation. When changes like this happen, especially in areas related to public safety, we believe it’s important to take a closer look and ensure that decisions are made in the best interest of the community.

How You Can Stay Involved

  1. Share the Petition – Encourage informed discussions rather than focusing on numbers alone. The goal is to raise awareness and foster a productive conversation. We have created a section for this issue on NJ21st with all articles connected to this issue that you can provide to our neighbors.  This section will be update automatically as new information or articles are written.
  2. Write About This Issue – Both NJ21st and TapInto provide platforms for residents to share their perspectives. If you’d like to contribute a Community Voices article, you can submit one to NJ21st via email: team@bhcw.io
  3. Reach Out to the Mayor and Council – In addition to signing the petition, you can:
    • Send an email expressing your thoughts.
    • Attend the next Council Meeting to ask questions or voice your perspective.
    • Consider publishing your letter on NJ21st or TapInto so that more residents can be informed.

Stay Informed

This email list will only be used to provide updates on the petition.  We are not using the petition to farm contacts.

If you would like to receive NJ21st’s articles on local government mattersyou can subscribe separately here.

Thank you for taking the time to stay informed and engaged.



John Migueis



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