The Facts They Won’t Print: What Hyperlocal Media Left Out On The Lease Agreement Articles

Berkeley Heights BOEBerkeley Heights Town CouncilBOE Agendas and Meeting Summaries

As our local hyper-local media outlet continues to push incomplete timelines and the false narrative that insurance issues were the reason the Mayor and the Recreation Department locked students out—we believe it’s important to set the record straight.

Instead of a productive budget meeting focused on our students, the discussion devolved (yet again) into political theatrics driven by the Mayor’s demands.

Despite the detailed and fact based point by point description of events iterated by multiple BOE Members during this meeting, not a single quote explaining their side of the issue was present in either of the outlet’s articles. Have they reached out to BOE Members (not just Gale) and asked for their timeline?

Well, actually, they don’t have to.

It was discussed openly during the BOE Meeting, and they were there.

In the clip below, Dipti highlights several key points that were conspicuously absent from the outlet’s timeline, despite being central to the discussion:

  • In 2024, the BOE’s priority was hiring a Superintendent. Dipti had to apologize for not prioritizing the Township’s special project as the BOE focused on securing competent leadership for the District.
  • The decision to lock students out of the tennis courts was made by the Township—not due to any real insurance concerns. Students had used the courts for 50 years without any lease agreement, yet suddenly, this became an issue.
  • The Township repeatedly markets the project as aturf field,yet no mention of a turf field exists anywhere in the official document.

This was just the tip of the iceberg in an hours-long discussion that exposed the many problems with the agreement.


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