I attended the Building Thinking Classroom session hosted at GL last night and wanted to share some thoughts and the questions I submitted online for the session. I will start with some of the...
BOE Candidate Dipti Khanna speaks on OPMA, OPRA and Transparency After listening to the BOE meetings in the first quarter of 2022, I was curious to learn more about the discussions in the Board's...
BOE Candidate Dipti Khanna continues the conversation on Metrics, Proficiency and Standardized Tests GL hosted its curriculum night this past week to welcome and inform the current 8th-grade class....
The last BOE meeting on 9/22 was unusual in many ways including how it concluded. Or did it conclude? Ms. Pamela Stanley continued to read her prepared speech even though the Board president...
The dictionary lists the definition of the word "goal" as "the object of a person's ambition or effort; an aim or desired result." "Budget" is "the amount of money needed or available for a...
Dipti Khanna draws the connection between last years poor planning on reconfiguration and this years busing troubles Let us talk about the busing challenges that our District faces this year. Busing...