Academic Goals: Shauna’s Notes on the 05/30/2024 BOE Meeting
Academic Goals -this is what is at the heart of every district, and there has been a lot of recent...
A Response to Town Council Member Poage’s Letter to the Editor
Unity Means More Listening and Less Labeling Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) is important when it comes to our schools....
The Good, the Bad, and the Less-Than-Attractive: 9 Recent Events
Let’s start with the bad, ‘cause I’m that kind of person. (My husband has at times referred to me as...
Shauna’s Notes on the 03/18/2024 BOE Agenda- The Lack of Clarity on Courtesy Busing Continues
Why is getting straight answers on Busing so difficult? Following the presentation of the transportation consultant at the last Berkeley...
Pam Stanley, Incompetent Attorneys and Improper Motions
Sometimes watching the discussion portions of BOE meetings is like watching C-SPAN. Like, what is going on, and why am...
New President Takes Same Old Tactics To A Whole New Level – Notes on the 02/26/2024 BOE Meeting
Welcome to the Dysfunction of the 2024 Berkeley Heights BOE I initially set out to write a re-cap of the...
Shauna’s Notes on the 2/13 BHPS BOE (postponed) Meeting Agenda
Audit, Superintendent Search & “XX” This will be a special meeting of the Berkeley Heights Board of Education, so there...
Truth v. Tribalism – Lessons Learned
In the three years since the Berkeley Heights Public School District threw a significant part of my child’s IEP out...
Game Play is the New Normal
The Berkeley Heights Public School District’s Issues with Releasing Public Records Continues… A while back I wrote a rather difficult-to-follow...
Nothing Occurs in a Vacuum: A Short History Explaining Why The Berkeley Heights BOE Needs So Much Repair
The current Berkeley Heights Board of Education didn’t magically arrive where they are now. There have been a series of...