BOE Representative Joly’s Comments on CMS Lease Agreement During the 03/25/2025 Town Council Meeting
The majority of residents who attended and spoke at the 03/25/2025 Town Council Meeting expressed concerns about the project, the...

A Disturbing Abuse of Power: How the Berkeley Heights BOE Budget Meeting Became the Mayor’s Playground
I’ll keep this short. For years, parents have asked the District to adjust the rotate-and-drop schedule to allow for core...

Parent Acknowledges Improvements in Communication and Student Activities
The Following email to the Superintendent and the Board was received from Michael Leblond who is a resident of Berkeley...

The Facts They Won’t Print: What Hyperlocal Media Left Out On The Lease Agreement Articles
As our local hyper-local media outlet continues to push incomplete timelines and the false narrative that insurance issues were the...

John’s Notes on the 03/18/2024 BOE Meeting-Turf Field and Budget
The Board of Education (BOE) was placed in an impossible situation last night by the Mayor and the Recreation Department....

If Given the Choice, Would Private Schools Really Be A Better Deal for Berkeley Heights?
Given the high per-pupil cost of Berkeley Heights Public Schools (BHPSNJ) and ongoing discussions about declining enrollment despite rising expenses,...

Laura’s Notes on the 03/18/2025 BOE Meeting Agenda: The Budget
This Board meeting should focus primarily on the Budget. This is the first opportunity the members we elected will deliberate...

2025 7-District Budget Dashboard in Pictures Part Six: Athletics, Co-Curricular, Textbooks and Educational Media Services
Athletics, Co-Curricular, Textbooks and Educational Media Services Per Pupil Cost Break Down for Berkeley Heights, Chatham, New Providence, Summit, Millburn,...

Progress Not Promises—BHPSNJ Needs Real Budget Reform
Fix the Budget Before Marketing the Referendum or Giving Away School Resources For too long, consultants and so-called experts have...

2025 7-District Budget Dashboard in Pictures Part Five: Facilities, Grounds and Custodial Services
Facilities, Grounds and Custodial Services Per Pupil Cost Break Down for Berkeley Heights, Chatham, New Providence, Summit, Millburn, Madison, and...