Notes on the 03/19/2024 Town Council Meeting
Traffic Safety A recent accident involving a young resident of Berkeley Heights prompted testimony from several residents on traffic concerns...

NJ Is Rallying to Stop State Sen. Sarlo’s & Assemblyman Danielsen’s Age of Darkness
NJ Is Rallying to Stop State Sen. Sarlo and Assemblyman Danielsen from Destroying the Open Public Records Act Since discovering...

Resident Comments on Tree Ordinance & New Rules on Correspondence to the Town Council
The following email was sent to BHCW for publication by Steven Kark, Berkeley Heights Resident I want my neighbor to...

Notes on the 02/20/2024 Berkeley Heights Town Council Meeting- Trespassing Ordinance and Another Tense Discussion
The Town Council voted through a resolution on 02/20/2024 that broadens parameters that make it easier for local police to...

BHCW Night Watch Episode 28: Former BHPSNJ BOE Member John Sincaglia
John Sincaglia joins BHCW to give his perspective on the first two Berkeley Heights BOE Meetings of the Year, the...

Night Watch Episode 27: Mayor Angie Devanney
Mayor Angie Devanney joins BHCW to discuss OPRA, Land Ordinance, the CMS Field, the All-Inclusive Playground, and More See All...

Notes on the 02/06/2024 Town Council Agenda
All-Inclusive Playground- Update: This item was removed from the Agenda on 2/6/2024 As we’ve reported, the Township appears to be...

Night Watch Episode 25: The Return of Liza Viana- Berkeley Heights Township Administrator
Township Administrator Liza Viana comes back to update us on the Sewage Plant, progress on flooding concerns, the Sherman Ave...

Councilman Paul Donnelly Emails Mayor Devanney On Vote to Reappoint Municipal Judge
Earlier today, BHCW posted a video clip on a tense discussion between Councilman Donnelly, Mayor Devanney and the Township Attorney. ...

Tense moment during the Berkeley Heights Township Re-Org Meeting On Reappointment of Municipal Judge
Mr. Donnelly and Mayor Devanney discuss the reappointment of Judge DeMassi; Mr. Donnelly abstains from the vote after guidance from...