Responses from Mayor Devanney and Members of the Town Council on Concerns Surrounding OPRA and OPMA Reform
Since learning about potential changes to OPRA in June of this year, we have been reaching out to the Mayor...
Update on Land Use Ordinance Discussed During 11/21/2023 Town Council Meeting
We were cc’d on an email connected to the Land Use Ordinance we posted about a few days ago –...
BHCW 11/27/2023 Newsletter
What’s Important to Know About Berkeley Heights This Week…. This week’s Newsletter looks at two essential items impacting Berkeley Heights...
Update On Efforts to Change the Open Public Records and Open Public Meetings Act During Lame Duck Session
So we got an update from someone who has a bit more information than us on concerns connected to potential...
Susan Poage Emerges as The Strongest Voice of Reason on the Berkeley Heights Town Council this Year
Last night, the Council approved a controversial 11th-hour measure to fund a redevelopment study involving multiple properties. Much like the...
11/21/2023 Town Council Meeting – Questions On Redevelopment Studies
On the town council agenda tonight: “2. Resolution directing the Planning Board to undertake an investigation to determine whether all...
Congratulations to Illis and Machado on a Clean Campaign and Election Victory
Steve Mondragon, Edmund Tom Maciejewski, and the ‘Stop The Overdevelopment in Berkeley Heights’ team As the outcomes of the Berkeley...
Illis/Machado Take Council, Joly/Akiri take BOE
It appears, based on the tickets we’ve seen, there was a “behind the scenes” write in campaign to take votes...
Lift A Finger Here Guys…
Please get out and fulfill your responsibility to vote for Board of Education and Town Council. If you already voted,...
Where Berkeley Heights Votes Tomorrow
TODAY, November 7th 2023, Berkeley Heights will go to the polls. Currently there are Four Candidates seeking to fill Two...