Have You Had Enough Yet?
It’s Time that EVERYONE in our District face the facts, for the sake of our students. It’s a busy time...
MKM Principal Resigns From Her Position
The District Continues to Bleed Experience and Talent Under the Current Administration and BOE Majority Ms. Annie Corely, Principal of...
Add Music to the List of Casualties Under Dr. Varley’s Reign of Error
Dr. Varley Continues to Build on Her Incredible Record of Harmful Decisions -Ekin Najarian Instead of using the opportunity of...
BHCW Night Watch Episode 18
Resignations, Concerns About Asst. Superintendent Replacement And More… All Night Watch Episodes
Failed Attempt to Host A Night of Celebration and Honor
Amid a Sea of Declining Proficiency & Teacher Resignations, the District Falls Short in Trying to Look Like it Cares...
06/05/2023 BOE Agenda : Laura’s Notes
Renewals and Big Salaries for the Usual Crew Top the List Dr. Greer, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum, Instruction, and Student...
Reassignments, Resignations and the Berkeley Heights Public School District’s Decline
The First of Several Emails I will be sending to the Berkeley Heights Board of Education Exploring the Reasons For...
05/11/2023 BOE Agenda- Laura’s Notes
What to look out for during this month’s BOE Meeting.. In the recent months it has been increasingly suspect about...
Renewed Parent Frustration and More Poor Decision-Making from District Administrators
Implementing new teaching methods can be a wonderful way to spark a student’s interest or create a better and more...
Hot Topics and noteworthy Board agenda items for 9/22/22
Here are the highlights to the agenda and attachments for the BOE Meeting tomorrow night. There are 199 pages of...