Drilling Down on The Special Needs/Proficiency Question
Given the recent articles on proficiency, I decided to clear the cobwebs out of my stats brain and run a...
The BHPSNJ Proficiency Problem Timeline in Two Minutes
Given the tendency of politically funded and backed Berkeley BOE candidates and their operatives to misrepresent or simply not understand...
Comparing All Recent School Rankings on the 7 District Dashboard
Exploring how Berkeley Heights ranks sixth out of seventh in summary of school rankings…and how to improve them -Written by...
Niche releases 2025 School Rankings
Berkeley Heights Public Schools declines, moves behind neighboring districts in rankings. -Written by a non-politically connected Educator in the Community...
No, BHPS Does Not Need An Assistant Superintendent…
But it should be Mrs. Nardi if we insist on having one. In reality, we don’t need an assistant Superintendent....
Does BHPS need an Assistant Superintendent?
Given A Bloated Budget and a Need to Repair Math & Science, is there a need to employ a full...
My Thoughts on NJ Department of Education Changes to District Evaluations
Statement from BOE Representative Dr. Thomas Foregger On September 4 the New Jersey State Board of Education proposed changes to...
Potato, Potahto: The “New” Math Program
Will the “New”, New Approach to Math Improve Proficiency or Increase Frustration? The Berkeley Heights School District held a parent...
Is it Time to Revisit Our Approach to Educational Inclusion?
For the Berkeley Heights School District, much fanfare has accompanied our efforts at inclusion for special education students, with administrators...
Potential Strategies to Improve Test Scores at Governor Livingston High School
Recent NJGPA score decline shows the need to look into current practices. -Written by a non-politically connected Educator in the...