Where Berkeley Heights Votes Tomorrow
Tomorrow, November 5th 2024, Berkeley Heights will go to the polls. Currently there are Four Candidates seeking to fill Two...

BHCW 11/12/2023 Newsletter
What’s Important to Know About Berkeley Heights This Week… This week’s newsletter includes a parent exchange with Dr. Varley on...

Illis/Machado Take Council, Joly/Akiri take BOE
It appears, based on the tickets we’ve seen, there was a “behind the scenes” write in campaign to take votes...

Lift A Finger Here Guys…
Please get out and fulfill your responsibility to vote for Board of Education and Town Council. If you already voted,...

Sai and Natasha – The Informed, Assertive Leaders We Need on the Berkeley Heights Board of Education
-Amy Peterson I completely agree with many others who have written about the lack of civility many of our elected...

Where Berkeley Heights Votes Tomorrow
TODAY, November 7th 2023, Berkeley Heights will go to the polls. Currently there are Four Candidates seeking to fill Two...

Endorsement for Natasha Joly
This year, for BOE, I am supporting Natasha Joly. She is a fantastic human being as she has an ability...

Join me in Voting for Sai for Board of Education
– Daniel Bartiromo I met Sai Bhargavi Akiri Several years ago when running for Berkeley Heights Board of Education. Sai’s...

In Support of Illis & Machado for Town Council
Cheryl Venter, Berkeley Heights I am writing in support of the Illis & Machado ticket for Berkeley Heights Township Council....

BHCW NightWatch Episode 23: Berkeley Heights BOE Candidates Natasha Joly and Sai Bhargavi Akiri
Sai and Natasha talk about what they are hearing on the campaign trail, priorities while in office, the 11/02/2023 Meeting,...