Laura’s Notes on the 05/30/2024 BOE Meeting Agenda
Board Candidate Interviews, Athletic Trainer and Heavy Investment in New Behavioral Service on the Agenda The Acting Superintendent will present...

Support Positive Change-Ignore the Desperate Narrative
Regarding Berkeley Heights Board of Education Helen Gabara There is a lot of talk from the same voices that supported...

Resident Writes To Board On Traffic & Safety at Woodruff
-Cathy Marshott In the last BOE meeting much focus came from the feedback of about 10 parents in connection to...

The Good, the Bad, and the Less-Than-Attractive: 9 Recent Events
Let’s start with the bad, ‘cause I’m that kind of person. (My husband has at times referred to me as...

The New BOE Majority is Turning Things Around, and the Party Machines Are Getting Nervous
I am writing a lot this week but have more to say than usual. If all you’ve been paying attention...

Berkeley Heights Educators Express Concerns About Sidebar Agreement
Laura’s Notes on the 04/18/2024 Berkeley Heights BOE Meeting Education: B. Approve Sidebar Agreements (Attachment H). This resolution is for...

04/18/2024 BOE Meeting Agenda – Legal Bills
Overall Costs Remain Stable Yet the Law Firm of CLeary, Giacobbe, Alfieri and Jacobs Get a Bigger Cut Compared to...

Zoom Participation Added to 04/15/2024 BOE Special Meeting
The Special Notice for the 04/15/2024 BOE Meeting has been updated to include a discussion of allowing community participation in...

BHPSNJ Announces Special Board Meeting for 04/15/2024
Interim Superintendents To Be Interviewed and Attorney RFP’s To Be Discussed on 4/15/2024 BHPSNJ announced a special BOE Meeting on...

4/10/24 Board Meeting Recap, Series On Superintendent Search Firms
The first in a Series on Superintendent Search Firms that Presented during the 04/10/2024 Berkeley Heights BOE Meeting McPherson &...