Correcting Dr. Varley’s Resignation Email
A More Accurate Record of Superintendent Varley’s Four Year Tenure at BHPSNJ Written by an Educator in the District At...
Dipti Khanna Is The Leader the Berkeley Heights School District Needs
The following is an email received from Jessica Lesperance, Berkeley Heights Resident, to the County Superintendent Daryl Palmieri in Support of...
Angela Penna is Not An Option for Board President
-Steven Kark I do not typically share my opinions publicly, but I am shocked and amazed that Ms. Penna is...
Berkeley Heights BOE Document Drop for October 2023
Executive Session and Committee Meeting Minutes and Notes for October 2023 Notes: Policy Committee: Policy 164 was ostensibly revised to...
01/18/2024 BOE Meeting Part I- Laura’s Notes
A Board that Finally Deliberates in Public! I echo JP’s public comments in commending Mr. Hyman for his ability to...
Minutia Matters- Especially Audits
Why is the BHPSNJ Audit Still Not Available? A recent article on how the Berkeley Heights Superintendent got a raise,...
Everyone is Learning From Berkeley Height’s Mistakes…Except for Berkeley Heights
Quick Note on Tomorrow’s Meeting Back in 2021, as BHCW was sort of getting started, I wrote the following in a...
Legal Spending and Searchable Attachments for 01/18/2024 Berkeley Heights BOE Meeting
Tomorrow, the BOE will vote on whether to approve another ~$7,000 to the law firm of Cleary Giacobbe Alfieri Jacobs,...
Laura’s Notes: 01/18/2024 Berkeley Heights BOE Meeting Agenda
ELECTIONS The election of the Board President and Vice President will be attempted once again. At the 1/4/24 meeting, no...
“Pay The Teachers!”
It was an interesting weekend. Since the controversial Reorganization Meeting, BOE Member Pamela Stanley made several posts on social media...