Quick Notes on the 03/18/2025 BHPSNJ Budget and Student Performance Presentations
Budget Presentation: Academics and student achievement ranked as the top budget priority, with a notable investment in textbooks and software....

If Given the Choice, Would Private Schools Really Be A Better Deal for Berkeley Heights?
Given the high per-pupil cost of Berkeley Heights Public Schools (BHPSNJ) and ongoing discussions about declining enrollment despite rising expenses,...

2025 7-District Dashboard Budget Comparisons- All The Articles
Breaking Down The 2025 7-District Budget Dashboard with Images Part One 2025 7-District Budget Dashboard in Pictures Part Two: Administrative...

The BHPSNJ BOE Must Remain Focused on the Budget
We received confirmation from BOE Vice President Dipti Khanna, reinforcing what our sources within the Municipal Government have been telling...

Influence, Transparency, and Budget Priorities: The CMS Lease Hard Court Press and BHPSNJ Budget
Last year former elected representatives from local political machines and representatives from political organizations came out of the woodwork in...

2025 7-District Budget Dashboard in Pictures Part Six: Athletics, Co-Curricular, Textbooks and Educational Media Services
Athletics, Co-Curricular, Textbooks and Educational Media Services Per Pupil Cost Break Down for Berkeley Heights, Chatham, New Providence, Summit, Millburn,...

Response from District on Budget Survey Concerns
Dipti Khanna, BOE Finance Chair and BHPSNJ Superintendent Dr. Feltre responded to our concerns regarding the BHPSNJ Budget Survey. Initial...
The BHPSNJ Transportation Problem Timeline in 4 1/2 Minutes
We created this video as a result of the incredibly false narrative surrounding the transportation issue advanced by political clubs...
The BHPSNJ Transparency Problem Timeline in 2 Minutes
Given the horrific track record of the political machines supporting many BOE Candidates on the issue of Transparency, we felt...
The BHPSNJ Budget Problem Timeline in 2 1/2 Minutes
Given the tendency of politically funded and backed Berkeley BOE candidates and their operatives to misrepresent issues connected to the...