Parent Letter to Board of Education on Zoom Access
The following is an email provided to BHCW from Berkeley Heights Resident and Parent Michael Leblond to the Berkeley Heights...

The District Continues to Tear Away at Family Engagement
At the 8/10 Board meeting Bradford, Cianciulli, Hyman, Stanley, Young, and Penna voted to abolish POLICY 9100. Per the agenda,...

Add Music to the List of Casualties Under Dr. Varley’s Reign of Error
Dr. Varley Continues to Build on Her Incredible Record of Harmful Decisions -Ekin Najarian Instead of using the opportunity of...

Possible Factors Connected to the Decline of Berkeley Heights Schools: Family Engagement
My Fourth Email to the BOE on Possible Causes for the Decline and Suggestion on How to Repair Them A...

The Berkeley Height Public School Survey Problem
And what we can do to fix it. Surveys are an essential tool that systems can use to gather vital...

What Teachers, Parents and Students Need to Prepare For
A BHCW Public Service Announcement During the last Night Watch episode, Shauna shared a comment a teacher made after the...

The only Source of Misinformation in our Community is District Administration
The Superintendent Needs to stop Manufacturing False Crises She then Pretends to Resolve while Blaming the Community. Yesterday Shauna published...

Petition claims that cuts to AP Classes are Looming for Governor Livingston
UPDATE: Cuts to classes with low enrollment have been confirmed. How many classes being cut is unclear A petition entitled...

Natasha’s Comments During the 03/13/2023 BOE Meeting on Building Thinking Classroom and the OPRA Custodian Position
In this merge of two clips from the 03/13/2023 Booard of Education meeting, Natasha Joly challenges Ms. Stanley’s continued invalidating...

The Screws Continue to Tighten
The District Takes Further Steps in Muting the Voices of Community Members Earlier this year community members discovered that the...