Sai Akiri is a Hero.
There is an old story about Salazar, a former Dictator in Portugal, my dad told me when I was a...
Vote Sai Akiri for BOE; Column 7-2
Sai has proven through her time on the Board that she has the patience, dedication and confidence to serve the...
Vote For Sai Bhargavi Akiri (Column 7-2)
I recently met Sai Bhargavi Akiri and have started to follow our local BOE and have seen how the individuals...
Challenger Champion Sai
John Leo Jr. Endorses Sai Akiri I love disagreements. Nothing could be more fruitful than that middle ground where two...
Dipti Khanna Should Be On the BOE
A degree in Engineering and a career with a top company in a position that demonstrates evidence of all the...
One of my votes will be going to Natasha Joly, who I met while her husband was coaching my oldest...