Setting Up For Failure
How Many Weird Experiments Need To Go Wrong Before the Berkeley Heights School District Corrects Its Approach to Teaching Our...

Thoughts on Thinking Classroom and Proficiency Scores
It’s a late-summer tradition, not only for us, but for many in town: finding out which teachers (or team, for...

Natasha’s Comments During the 03/13/2023 BOE Meeting on Building Thinking Classroom and the OPRA Custodian Position
In this merge of two clips from the 03/13/2023 Booard of Education meeting, Natasha Joly challenges Ms. Stanley’s continued invalidating...

Berkeley Heights Administrators Remain a Wall of Silence
Parent’s continue to face an Administration that is short on answers concerning the Districts Difficulties with Math In this clip...

Thinking Classroom: Where Are We Now, What Happens Next
Building the Thinking Classroom (BTC), on paper and in theory, sounds like a wonderful way to teach. Who doesn’t want...

BTC – The Struggle is Real
It’s been just over a month since the November 1st information session on Building Thinking Classroom. It was at this session...

Berkeley Heights Public Schools BTC Parent Survey Final Results
The BTC Math Survey has reached 107 responses. Here are the FINAL results. 107 responses for 135 Children 82 Parents (77%) Agreed...

Renewed Parent Frustration and More Poor Decision-Making from District Administrators
Implementing new teaching methods can be a wonderful way to spark a student’s interest or create a better and more...

Berkeley Heights Public School BTC Parent Survey Results-Preliminary
This is a preliminary reporting of results on BHCW’s parent survey of BTC. WE are still collecting responses. If you...

Tisha’s Comments To The BOE on BTC
Several parents attended the 11/17/2022 BOE Meeting to express their concerns about the impact the District’s new model is having...