Transparency is a Key Component to the Success of DEI
** Since the publication of this article, a community member pointed out that the individual I described as a Student...

Community Correspondence to the Berkeley Heights Board of Education – March through April 2023
Received from the OPRA Custodian 55 Days from the date of our Request Last year the BOE stopped reading Board...

MKM Principal’s Resignation Letter to Dr. Varley and The Berkeley Heights Board of Education
Will they finally listen? BHCW has obtained the MKM principal’s resignation letter submitted to the BOE and Administration. It isn’t...

The Inclusion Delusion Continues
More evidence our Superintendent would rather double down on her delusions than collaborate with anyone but her small circle. During...

The Berkeley Heights BOE Lawyer Addiction
How Much Money is Being Taken Away from our Classrooms? The skeptics out there, and those who agree with Ms....

Community Correspondence to the Board January through March 2023
Last year the BOE stopped reading Board Correspondence at BOE Meetings, robbing the community of important perspectives from parents, students,...

Copy of Berkeley Heights Public School Budget
BHCW requested a copy of the full budget and received the pdf file below today. We converted the file to...

Strange things are afoot at the Circle-K….or Wawa
There is currently a community wide discussion on plans involving a Wawa on Springfield. BHCW emailed the Mayor and Town...

Peeling the Spin: A Condensed Look at OPRA Requests
There are currently 118 individual screenshots of OPRA (Open Public Records Act) requests, from June 2022 to the present, on...

Varley, Kot and The Ongoing Obsession with Sai Akiri
Instead of trying to repair yet another mess she has created in our Math program, Dr. Varley appear to be...