Open letter to BOE members
Below is an email sent to BOE members today. It is, essentially, a correction of information provided last night. It also questions why some people within the district are honored by our Board Memebrs and others don’t receive as much as a mention. There are currenly 29 employees within the BHPS who are leaving.
“Good morning!
Respectfully, I would like to bring your attention to some mis-information provided by Mr. Reinstein last night in response to a resident question. Resident Doug Grober commented about the 29 teachers and staff who are leaving our district. He questioned if that number was alarming to anyone and if any of these were a result of the new district model being implemented this fall. Mr. Reinstein replied that the number was actually 23, 20 of which were retiring. He also stated that BOE and district had prior knowledge of the retirements and they were received before the reconfiguration and redistricting plan was presented.
Here is the data gathered from past BOE agendas and meetings minutes from the district website:
The 4/29/21 agenda recorded 2 new retirees from the district (there had previously been 18 employees reported via BOE agenda as retiring).
On the 5/13/21 agenda 20 total retirees were listed.
On last nights (6/10/21) agenda an additional 9 BHPS employees were listed, bringing the total number of employees who are leaving our district to 29. Of the 9 reflected on last nights agenda, 3 have resigned and the remainder have retired.
Lastly, I am curious why no BOE members paid respect to Ms. Gaspirini’s 37 years of excellence, service and dedication to the BHPS in light of her retirement announcement earlier this week? Last night would have been a lovely opportunity as so many were being honored within the district. I did note, however, that 2 members of the BOE commented on their excitement regarding a new district hire (which I agree the new hire deserves).
I will end with an excerpt from Ms. Gaspirini’s letter to Woodruff families regarding her retirement: “We have paid witness to changes within the district that have had a major impact on the children and families at Woodruff School… The change however will decrease many of the experiences that the older students look forward to and relished as part of the Woodruff experience. With all of these changes, I have decided that after 37 years in the district it is time to retire.”
Thank you for your time.
-Laura Kapuscinski”