Last week Laura Kap published a timeline of facts that contradicted Mr. D’Aquila’s incredible claim that the equipment purchased by the District and the move to Governor Livingston were never intended to facilitate the ability of the public to speak at BOE meetings through zoom. Mr. D’Aquila’s claim was in response to Ms. Akiri’s question surrounding hybrid meetings in a prior meeting – Ms. Akiri, has been a strong advocate of having the practice of allowing zoom participation for parents, youth and residents.

The timeline on shutting down avenues from residents on social media, emails being read, in the budget process, preventing the debates from occurring at GL, and preventing parental participation through zoom now appear to coincide with the multiple ethical complaints filed against Dr. Varley and members of the BOE by the public with the SEC.

In other words this decision appears to be part of a larger strategy by Dr. Varley and the Penna-D’Aquila bloc to plaster meetings and pages with “feel good” news and pictures of smiling children while the serious concerns surrounding how the District does it’s business has little to no opportunity to make it to the public.

In the last BOE Meeting, BH BOE Candidate Natasha Joly asked the BOE about the cost of the equipment and expressed her position on the decision by the Penna-D’Aquila bloc.

John Migueis

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