Since the District shut down comments on most of their social media platforms, one will notice that there has been a steady stream of pictures with smiling children and positive news.

Nothing about the multiple ethics complaints.

Agendas and attachments for BOE meetings remain voluminous (taking a page from our Business Administrator), and families are restricted to three-minute one-directional statements at in-person meetings.

The budget was secretive.

BOE Attorneys are unethically being used to file charges against BOE members for simply stating their opinions publicly about the District.

Social Media policies restrict what BOE members are allowed to say to the public.

Attorneys act as if they are elected members of the BOE.

Legal and Administrative costs are mounting.

The Superintendent refers to parents pointing these facts out as “angry”.

The Business Administrator appears to be operating from her made-up version of OPRA.

Attempts to improve the Strategic Plan to hold our District accountable for outcomes surrounding our children are vilified and met with contempt.

And as all of this is happening, it seems as if the District believes covering this all up with smiling children will appease our community.

Maybe we are that gullible. Who knows?

Now it appears the Superintendent, facing an ethics battle of her own, is posting pictures of our students on her personal social media account. This same Superintendent is weirdly responsible for BOE members’ behavior on social media due to a policy the BOE passed specifically to muzzle Ms. Akiri and Dr. Foregger.

It is not okay for our BOE members to question the Superintendent but it appears perfectly acceptable for the Superintendent to post images of school children on her personal account without parental permission.

I hope our kids are happy, and our District should have pictures of them enjoying the school day posted on District pages with permission. Our children are happy mainly due to the efforts of our teaching staff, but pictures and positive news snippets are not the cure to the very real problems of this District.

And student’s pictures shouldn’t be part of the Superintendent’s personal image repair campaign on Instagram.

Email parent sent to the BOE upon discovering pictures of her children on Dr. Varley’s Instagram Account.

John Migueis

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