BHCW Position Statement on Article Submissions
Residents and Candidates on all sides will continue to be allowed to submit articles to BHCW for free as long as they meet our terms and for as long as I manage the site.
Resident names and email addresses will of course continue to be redacted from documents upon their request as our focus is not to talk about residents – however full names will continue to be required from anyone submitting an article.
We offer no paid campaign ad service. We answer to no corporate interest. We remain unapologetic in our goal of allowing ALL residents on ALL sides to discuss local government. We do not allow defamatory content or content whose sole purpose is to embarrass anyone. We do not allow discussions on residents not in public office.
We feel news and information outlets should exist to protect those not in power from those in power.
Speaking only positively about the decisions and actions of those in power is a poison to democratic systems and harmful to people.
What would America look like if this is how information outlets operated?
History provides the best evidence in answering this question.
Have a great Sunday everyone.
John Migueis