Integrity and Truthfulness Count from Our Mayoral Candidates
Varnerin’s Misinformation Uncovered
When it comes to the position of mayor, honesty and integrity matter. I served with Mayor Angie Devanney on Council for three years from 2019- 2021 and I know first-hand her veracity and commitment to the Township is beyond reproach.
When applying the same moral measure to Councilman Jeff Varnerin, I have my doubts.
In a recent paid advertisement Varnerin claimed to have secured state funding with the help of Senator Bramnick. (The statement is highlighted in yellow here).

But the fact is that Senator Bramnick had no budget resolutions submitted for the entire FY2023 budget at all.
How do I know this? I went to the State Budget website, entered “Bramnick, Jon” and received the message “No Resolution found.” I encourage residents to visit the website and see for yourselves.

No resolution found? Could the claims by Varnerin that he had played a role in secure the $350,000 in the state budget be false?
I did another search. This time searching the “Berkeley Heights Sewerage” (sic) project. This is what I found:

Scutari, Nicholas P., Kennedy, James J. and other Sponsors: Carter, Linda S. Speight, Shaniqu”
It seems clear to me that Mayor Devanney is the one who worked with New Jersey State Senate President Nick Scutari to help get what Berkeley Heights needed. Truth matters. Honesty matters. Leadership matters.
On November 8th, vote for Mayor Angie Devanney. A mayor who has been honest with us during difficult times like Covid and an elected leader you can count on to get things done and fight and care for Berkeley Heights.
Alvaro Medeiros