UPDATE: a petition has been created by residents encouraging the Town Council to reverse their decision and hire Liza back.

As the number of parents who are questioning the competence of the Superintendent and District’s Business Manager grows exponentially (to the point now where the Board Attorney and BOE President appear to be infringing on resident’s rights to speak through interruptions, admonishments and improper interpretations of bylaws), residents were shocked that Liza Porteus lost her job as Town Administrator.

Ms. Kingley, Mr. Couto, Mr. Varnerin, and Mr. Foster blindsided the town by voting to terminate Liza’s employment despite her support from residents and the significant improvements she has brought to the role.

Residents should not be surprised. Ms. Kingsley and her group have quite a cozy relationship with the BOE majority and their social club (“social club” is more polite than using the more appropriate term of pre-adolescent like bullies), who, along with Ms. Penna and her predecessor, view themselves as some governing elite.

If you are going to operate that way, you should have the competence and capability to back that up. Unfortunately, Berkeley Heights won the worst lottery in the world regarding local American government bodies and different organizations within our town intended to help our schools and community are infected with their thinking and style of governing.

This middle school leadership style has led to the disaster surrounding our municipal building (something Liza was in the process of repairing), a continuing decline of our schools, and the politicization of essential organizations in our community.

Paul Donnelly should be commended for not voting to fire Liza in what was essentially an act of vengeance against the Mayor for winning the last election. Paul has been a pleasant surprise, and I hope he has enough support within the RMC to cure the disease that has been harming the local party and the town’s institutions.

This video was provided to BHCW by a resident and is posted with permission.

John Migueis

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